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The Bible's Song Book - Lesson 1

The Bible’s Song Book

A Study of the Psalms

Pastor Robert Soverall

Lesson 1: Psalm 30

Some psalms have superscriptions—brief writings at the beginning of the psalm that give insight concerning the purpose of the song, the composer of the song and even how it should be performed! If you haven’t noticed these superscriptions before, read them before reading the Psalm; it may help you understand the song better.

Note: some versions of the Bible leave out the superscriptions. But thanks to the wonders of technology, you can compare versions pretty easily on your device if you have a Bible app.

The CSB & the NASB describe this psalm as a song of dedication “for the house”. Other versions identify that house as the Temple. Just about all versions identify David as the composer, so...Psalm 30 was a song most likely composed by King David and written for the special occasion of the dedication of the temple. (Have you ever composed a song or created something for a special occasion? Artistic people have been doing that for centuries!)

Vs1-3 gives us a clear view of why David praises (exalts or extols) GOD—because of the things HE has done. GOD lifts, keeps enemies in check, heals & spares life! HIS mighty deeds make HIM worthy of praise!!

Vs.4-5 gives the command for GOD’s “faithful people to praise His holy name”. There is an element of worship here so this invitation is not for everyone. Anyone can praise GOD. Only the believer can worship GOD.

We’ve all been disciplined by GOD; but our Father doesn’t hold a grudge. His favor on us lasts a lifetime! Think about that the next time you are down on yourself. You have a lifetime of godly favor all over you!

The famous line in verse 5 doesn’t always promise an over-night fix to all our problems. But it does promise joy in the morning of maturity; in the morning of understanding the will of GOD; in the morning when we’ve learned the lessons GOD is teaching us. It also points to the glad morning when all sorrow is forever banished. (See Romans 12:2; James 1:4;

2 Peter 1:5-8; Revelation 21:1-4)

Vs.6-9: If you’ve ever made the mistake of telling GOD, “OK, LORD, I’ve got this...” then you can identify with David here. He got over-confident when things were going well but realized how much He needed GOD when the LORD pulled back a bit. I know what it’s like to cry out to GOD in desperation—do you?

Vs. 11-12: But just like a father ready to catch his falling child, here comes our GOD to the rescue! As we land safely in His arms, our crying somehow turns into dancing! We cast off sadness (sackcloth) and wear our joy once again, like new clothes! These are blessings that people can see but they may not understand! It’s a personal thing!

And what is the proper response to this blessing from the LORD? We praise Him! We sing our songs; we play our instruments as loud as we can for as long as we can! And one day, we’ll be doing it forever...

Think about it: which part of this song really speaks to your present situation?

Extend your faith: “morning happens when you wake up!” (Israel Houghton) How is this song pushing you to believe GOD for favor?

Pray: use one of these verses in your prayers today. Share a testimony of GOD’s blessing with someone!

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